Control Period 7 (CP7) is a critical period for the UK rail industry. In this period, the industry will need to deliver a number of major projects, including the Integrated Rail Plan, as well as continue to operate and maintain the existing network. This will require a highly skilled and motivated workforce.

Network Rail, the owner and operator of the UK rail infrastructure, is committed to developing the skills and capabilities of its workforce. 

In CP7, Network Rail will invest £1.2 billion in skills and workforce development. This investment will be used to:

  • Upskill and reskill the existing workforce
  • Attract new talent to the industry
  • Develop new ways of working

Upskilling and reskilling the existing workforce

Network Rail's existing workforce is highly skilled, but the industry is constantly evolving and new technologies are being introduced all the time. To ensure that its workforce remains up-to-date, Network Rail will offer a range of training and development opportunities to its existing employees. This will include training on new technologies, new ways of working, and leadership and management skills.

Network Rail is also working to create a culture of lifelong learning within its organization. This means that employees will be encouraged to take on new challenges and develop their skills throughout their careers.

Attracting new talent to the industry

The rail industry is a great place to work, but it can be difficult to attract new talent. To address this challenge, Network Rail is working to raise awareness of the rail industry as a career option. This includes working with schools and colleges to provide information about the industry and the different career paths available.

Network Rail is also working to make the rail industry more attractive to women and other under-represented groups. This includes providing flexible working arrangements and family-friendly policies.

Developing new ways of working

The rail industry is constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness. This requires a workforce with new skills and capabilities. To develop these skills, Network Rail is working to create a more agile and collaborative working environment. This means encouraging employees to share ideas and work together to solve problems.

Network Rail is also investing in new technologies that can help to improve efficiency and effectiveness. For example, Network Rail is using drones to inspect railway infrastructure, which can help to reduce the need for manual inspections.

The importance of diversity and inclusion

In addition to the initiatives mentioned above, Network Rail is also working to improve the diversity and inclusion of its workforce. This is important to ensure that the industry has a workforce that reflects the diversity of the communities it serves. Network Rail is committed to creating a workplace where everyone feels welcome and valued.

The skills and workforce development strategy for CP7 is a key part of Network Rail's plan to deliver a world-class railway for the UK. By investing in its people, Network Rail is ensuring that it has the workforce it needs to meet the challenges of the future.

The skills and workforce development strategy for CP7 is a comprehensive and ambitious plan. By investing in its people, Network Rail is ensuring that it has the workforce it needs to deliver a world-class railway for the UK. This is good news for passengers and freight customers, who can expect to see a more reliable, efficient, and sustainable railway in the years to come.

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