Why the “first mile” is more important than the last!
In the delivery of goods a huge transformation and focus has gone into “last mile” delivery creating entire industries for tracking and ensuring that goods arrive on time and at the quality expected. We need to think about capturing data on site in the same way.
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It’s the “first mile” between data creation to collation that has too long been neglected resulting in an acceptance of data arriving late (or never) and in vastly varying quality.
So how do we drive that data delivery revolution?
Right tool for the job –
we don’t track deliveries to the house with binoculars and a clipboard so why are we still capturing data on site with paper and Excel?
We also don’t develop our own tracking solution for all our different packages and this applies to what’s happening on site. Mobile applications developed for the job in hand are the only effective way of consistently capturing quality data on site and driving adoption rates.
Keep it simple –
we must focus on user experience and those empowered to collect data, giving them simple tools and direct methods to capture data means you’ll get more of it, more often, in formats you need.
When providing a mobile app for data capture supported by a web application consider the different users and use cases for each. The mobile app must be stripped down with only the minimum features to drive consistent, structured data capture. Reporting, administration and governance features will only potentially confuse site teams and impact the performance of the application.
Positive feedback loops –
we need to start recognising and giving positive feedback where data is collated and disseminated to other parts of projects or organisations. Too often the data we capture disappears into a black hole without any feedback to those who collected it on the insights and value it may have created. This feedback may be in the form of gamification to give nudges and recognition to those doing the right thing or genuine feedback on the insights, benefits and actions taken from their inputs (carbon emissions eliminated, safety improvements, productivity benefits, quality outcomes).
Lead by example -
The other key requirement to accelerate and reinforce data collation from site is entirely about leadership. Technologically confident leaders, relentlessly recognising and supporting those taking positive steps to move away from legacy data capture methods.
As in many areas of the construction site, such as health and safety, the lowest level of leadership behaviour will be the highest level that can be expected by others. Data capture is no different, if management teams are still demanding paper records and duplicating digital capture with manual input then those empowered to use new technology will become disenfranchised and question its value to the organisation.
Deliveroo don’t do data capture on site, they’ve focused entirely on food delivery and being the best they can be at that.
At Raildiary we’re completely focused on the capture and commercial analysis of site data in the rail industry.
If you’re having challenges replacing paper, Excel and Whatsapp or just struggling to capture any data from your sites speak to us today about how we can support you with your digital delivery revolution.
Learn more about Raildiary can help you.