How Raildiary Onboard Users For Ultimate Product Success

September 30, 2020
At Raildiary we firmly believe that the success of new products and processes depends on widespread understanding and adoption.

Here at Raildiary we firmly believe that the success of new products and processes depends on widespread understanding and adoption.

Our top priority is ensuring that the entire workforce is enthusiastic about our product and understands its value; both to the individual’s daily work and the business as a whole.

Here’s how we get new clients off the ground, ensuring customer success and a smooth transition period.

Step 1 – Registration

First things first. When you join Raildiary we’ll first help you set up your projects on the platform including your resource, locations and supervisors. Then, we’ll work with you to go through your list of users and split them between field and office staff. We do this because different job roles have different uses of the app, and we don’t want to confuse anyone by giving them features or processes that they don’t need.

Step 2 – Training Emails

As you get started with using the app, we’ll deliver a weekly training email to your inbox to help develop understanding as you use different aspects of the software. The emails cover key topics such as filling out your daily records, a walkthrough of the reporting suite and how to get more support. The emails are tailored to field and office teams so you’ll only see what’s relevant to you.

Step 3 – Knowledge Base

At any time during your onboarding to Raildiary and beyond, you can log in to the knowledge base for a comprehensive bank of how-to documents. The knowledge base covers everything from updating your app to a detailed breakdown of how each report works, and explains how to raise help tickets or contact support when there is a problem with your app.

We know that everyone learns differently so we provide our support articles in a range of formats. Each one also comes with an explanation video so you can watch, listen or read as suits you.

Step 4 – In-person Training

Some of our clients opt for in-person training sessions delivered to their team on-site. We’ll work with your team at the project location or office to give demonstrations of the app and deal with any questions or difficulties. We’ve even done the odd night shift!

Step 5 – Keeping It Going

We don’t just onboard our users and then leave them to it. We provide ongoing support via our knowledge base, live chat and telephone support line. Using’s product insights, we analyse specific ‘sticking points’ for our clients and provide personalised feedback and training.

Ensuring success is long-lasting and universal is paramount, particularly with on-site users. The better the quality of information being input into the software, the better return-on-investment it will provide. Read our blog explaining how Raildiary generates ROI here.

Step 6 – Our Team

The diverse nature of our team means that we are able to deal with all problems or queries that you might have. Our software is developed and maintained in-house by our tech team, so we can fix and support any problems with the app. We also have customer success and product experts to respond to queries and, unlike some SaaS companies, we have personal experience of working in the rail construction industry. We understand the work, what information and what reporting is needed. This means that we understand your needs, concerns and priorities and there’s no need to use non-specific language when discussing an issue with us.

That’s Where Raildiary Comes In…

If you’d like to learn more about getting started with Raildiary, register your interest here. No obligations – just a chat about your current projects and priorities.

In conclusion, effective user onboarding is critical for success in the railway industry. By providing a seamless and user-friendly onboarding process, rail companies can increase customer satisfaction, reduce churn rates, and improve their bottom line. By continually refining and optimizing their onboarding processes and offering ongoing support, rail companies can build strong relationships with customers, leading to greater loyalty.

How Raildiary Onboard Users For Ultimate Product Success

Oliver Donohue

Snr Account Manager

Snr Account Manager

Raildiary LinkedIn
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