
How to Align Your Site Diary with Your Contract

William Doyle
CEO at Gather
June 13, 2024
3 minute video
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Key takeaways

You can connect the structured site records you've captured with Gather to your contract management system in a few minutes. Learn how in this short three-minute video.


This is a quick video on how we can start to better categorise worklog variances.


Align variances with NEC

When something changes on site, how do we quickly understand that and categorise it? First, let's set up the categories. For those that using the NEC form of contract, you can link this with clause 60.1.  We can see here we've got the variations in worklog categories. Some of these will be contractor risks. Some of them will be employer risks. We put a standard list in here, but more than welcome to add in your own list and base it on your Z Clauses or based on your form of contract.

Easy input on the go

Going back to our project, let's have a look at this example project — the foundation installation project. I'm on my laptop today, but you would normally do this on your iPad or mobile device.

If we jump forward to the worklog, we can see here we've got an issue where we've not achieved the quantities. Planed 25, done 12. Why is it different? We've started to give us the reason for variance. The team on site could use speech to text or just free text that in, however that is the easiest.

Then we've asked them to capture the variance category. In this case, it’s unexpected physical conditions. Take a picture. These photos can go in your typical Gather Record. The change field here is asking you to add the change category in accordance with your contract. The team on site, we want him to have a go.


Flag early warnings

When we submit it for approval, we're expecting the QS or the project manager to go in and check if that is right and adjust accordingly.

Going back to the record list, we'll be able to see that has been tagged with an early warning, in this case, only one number 77. You can link that with CEMAR, or whatever contract management system that you're using. Gather reports would also have been updated to reflect that.

Real-time diagnosis

The best way I can show you that data is in our updated key insights dashboard. This example has got Power BI embedded in it. We'll just load that data and have a look at what it means.

We can see here we've got the activity variances. We can see in this tree map which one is the biggest issue. And in this case, it's allocated costs. We can then start to see those have been tagged with early warning tags with their associated time.

What's the reduced loss time due to those issues. How many phones the employer or contractor risk items… Again, this is completely configurable for your form of contract. We want to make it quick and easy for people to adapt it, suit their project, and just make it super simple to understand where you're at.

Have a look at this video. Play around on your Gather account. Thank you.

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